Saturday, May 12, 2012

Antibiotics and Yeast Infections

Antibiotics are one of the most frequent causes of yeast infections. The antibiotics, while designed to eradicate harmful bacteria from our bodies but frequently it eliminates the good bacteria as well as the offending bacteria. This causes an imbalance that results in a yeast infection. The good bacteria balance the growth of yeast in the body.

The balance of good yeast to bad yeast is destroyed with the use of antibiotics. Once yeast begins to multiply, it can easily get out of control causing a yeast infection.

Candida Yeast Infection. The ailment is known as candidiasis.

Too be sure, antibiotics aren't the only source of yeast infections. Diet, hormonal changes, menopause and pregnancy can lead to yeast imbalances and infections.

Yeast infections that are the result of antibiotics occurs because the antibiotics disturbs the yeast balances in the body. Consuming glucose or sugar are considered hormonal causes.. Women are particularly prone to this ailment because their natural vaginal secretions combined with menstrual blood are both rich in glucose. It's an open enticement to multiplying yeast. This ends up as vaginal candidiasis.

People with a lowered immune system are susceptible to yeast infections. People afflicted with diabetes or HIV are prime Candida Yeast Infections. In the case of diabetes, the blood sugar level feeds the body's yeast. If you have a damaged or compromised immune system and suspect you have a yeast infection, see a doctor.

Stress is also another factor that leads to yeast infections. By worrying excessively, you suppress your immune system. A weak immune system is like an open door, not only to yeast infections, but also other infections.

If you want to reduce the odds of contracting yeast infection, there are precautions that you can take. Baggy clothing is a good idea as is watching for changes in your skin, particularly dry or greasy spots. Reducing sugar in your diet will help starve the Candida Yeast Infections, the yogurt will work either orally or in the vaginal cavity via a tampon.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Natural Treatment For Yeast Infection - Fast, Safe & Effective to End Symptoms & Discomfort in Hours

Yeast infection is a very terrible and discomforting disease that affect more than 75% of all women. It also affect most adult males and even the baby toddlers. Some cases can become life threatening and so it is very important to seek immediate help. If you are looking for a treatment for yeast infection then it is best to know a little about the disease itself.

The infection is caused by a fungi known as Candida Yeast Infection is one of the worse manifestation of the illness. It is very painful for most women. Some of the symptoms include: vaginal odor, white vaginal discharge, painful urination, rashes, acne, painful sex and many many more. These symptoms can be very frustrating and many women try to treat them by themselves before seeking professional advice.

Now that there is some information about the disease, it can be much easier to find a treatment for yeast infection. One of the most recommended form of treatment is a natural remedy. A natural remedy will attack the infection from the source and get the candida albicans under control thus allowing you to have a healthy lifestyle.

There are many natural treatments that are very effective. Some can even give you full relief from symptoms within hours. The only problem you would have is finding one that will work for you since there are so many advertisements claiming that their remedy is the best.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Intestinal Yeast Infections Have Many Causes

Intestinal yeast infections are becoming a problem for more people now that they use too. This is because of more people now being prescribed antibiotics and other drugs that upset the body's natural bacterial and chemical balance. Once you've discovered the cause of your internal Candida Yeast Infection. And this is more common if the sufferer is eating a lot of sugar or a lot of foods that contain sugar. So if you have a sweet tooth you need to change your diet.

Sugar feeds yeast and fungus, and it is their favorite food. If you want to cure an intestinal yeast infection then the first thing you must do is give up eating sugar. If you don't then you'll be taking anti fungal drugs to alleviate your symptoms for a very long time. Most sufferers that don't eat a diet that helps to cure their infection will be on oral anti fungal drugs for months or even years.

Another common cause of internal yeast infections is the use of antibiotics. These anti bacterial drugs kill good bacteria, and your body needs these to keep the Candida Yeast Infection it has been kept under control by the good bacteria in your body.

If you're suffering from an internal fungal infection then you need to cleanse your body as soon as possible. The fungus will just keep on feeding until it perforates your intestines, and then toxins from the fungus will enter your bloodstream. You could even be suffering from some of the symptoms already that are caused by a leaky gut. Aching muscles and joints are common, and other symptoms that affect the brain are common as well. These are depression, mood swings and concentration problems.

To cure an intestinal yeast infection you must re-balance the bacteria in your body. At the moment you have too much Candida in your body, and the friendly bacteria can no longer keep it under control. Once the friendly bacteria gets high in numbers and the Candida gets low in numbers you'll soon be fully cured.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How to Cure a Yeast Infection at Home by Improving Vital Systems

After repeated Candida Yeast Infection permanently. The answer to this question will depend on how you decide to proceed with treatment. If you can decide on a home treatment then you may be able to try a few options at home and find a solution that will work.

To cure a yeast infection permanently at home you can start by improving the immune system of your body. You see this infection happens repeatedly because the protective mechanism in your body would have got depleted. And when this happens your body is not able to prevent a Candida Yeast Infection by restoring the ph balance in the vagina. When the ph balance is restored your vagina will have the correct amount of good bacteria to keep the yeast organism at bay.

For bringing back the vaginal floras externally take bath in a tub that has a cup of vinegar. You will find this treatment soothing. The vaginal inflammation will also get reduced. Do this treatment everyday and stay in the tub for 20 to 30 minutes.

All this treatment can be done by spending only a few dollars. There are many other ways to cure a yeast infection at home. Since the body characteristics of each person is different one solution will not work for everyone. So try a few options to discover the golden home treatment that solves your problem permanently.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How Do You Cure a Vaginal Yeast Infection? - 3 Great Options

If you have developed a Candida Yeast Infection? This uncomfortable condition is one that the majority of adult women will experience at some point during their lives. For most women it is both a nuisance and slightly embarrassing. Realising that it is quite common can often help to reduce these feelings of embarrassment. The most important thing is that you don't feel so uncomfortable that it prevents you from seeking medical treatment and taking steps to cure and prevent future infections.

In order to answer the question how do you cure a vaginal yeast infection, it helps to know that this is a fungal rather than a bacterial infection. Traditional antibiotics target bacteria, but with a Candida Yeast Infections and this type of infection generally develops due to some form of imbalance in the body.

There are three possible approaches to curing this infection, which are as follows:

Over the counter medications

Typically, an over the counter medication will be an anti-fungal medication or topical cream, lotion or ointment. If you approach your pharmacist and ask them how to cure a vaginal yeast infection, then they will generally advise you to use both a topical and an oral medication in combination with each other.

Natural treatments

How do you cure a vaginal yeast infection naturally? The best starting point when looking for a natural remedy is to remember that it is a fungal infection. Therefore, in order to cure the condition naturally, you need to seek out natural treatments that have anti-fungal properties. Tea tree oil is a good option as it is a natural anti-fungal which is a potential alternative or compliment to over the counter medications. Other possible natural options include Witches Hazel and Lemon Balm.

Holistic approach

You may also wonder what options you have to heal Candida Yeast Infections as they often occur as a direct result of imbalances. One of the most common causes of this type of infection is a reduction in the levels of good bacteria in the body after a course of antibiotics. A good holistic approach to restoring this balance is to take a probiotic which contains high levels of the good bacteria, then follow on with this by making yogurt a regular part of your diet. Yogurt also contains high levels of good bacteria. Additionally, a good holistic approach is to reduce the amount of yeast rich foods you consume, such as beer and bread.

So, hopefully you can now answer the question, how do you cure a vaginal yeast infection. Simply knowing the options now gives you more control over your health and enables you to make choices about what treatment is best for you.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Signs of a Yeast Infection

There are so many signs of a yeast infection but, before you consider them, you must first know exactly what a yeast infection is. It is caused by a fungus that is referred to as Candida Yeast Infections more than men and therefore you are likely to find more signs of a yeast infection in them. The infection in women is facilitated by various reasons which include hormonal imbalance. Several things cause this and they are menopause, birth control pills, menstrual periods and pregnancy. When the acidity of the vagina changes, the environment is made favorable for the yeast to thrive. If you use birth control pills, you might want to consider another method which is friendlier to your body. Signs of a yeast infection will resemble signs of another disease and when you suspect to have the infection, do not treat it without confirming that you have the condition. This will help you avoid treating symptoms of another disease.

Men will get yeast infections from their sexual partners and when this happens, it is advisable to have both of them treated to avoid other infections. Other causes of these infection are the use of douches for women, chronic diseases, poor immunity, poor dietary habits and many others. The yeast infection will affect many parts of the body including the mouth, skin folds, toes, gut and the list goes on. When the yeast infection affects the mouth, it is referred to as thrush. Thrush can affect everyone including children and a white patch is a sign of a yeast infection. These patches can be very painful and those who suffer from the infection are advised not to touch the patches.

When the yeast infection occurs on the skin, you will get to experience redness and itchy episodes that never seem to go away. The skin can also become very scaly and dry. This is usually very evident in babies where their bottom develops rashes. When the infection occurs in the male organ, they will experience itching on the male organ, soreness, pain while urinating and sexual dysfunction. In women there will be a whitish discharge which can be compared to cottage cheese in color, they will experience soreness and pain during sexual intercourse. There are many more signs of a yeast infection and the internet is filled with resources which you can study and gain so much.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Prevention and Natural Treatment For the Growth of Oral Yeast Infection

Dozens of oral yeast infection cures are easily available in pharmacies and drugstores all over the world, many of which are very effective solutions to yeast infection. However, most health experts would agree that natural treatments and prevention is still the best cure of all. Fortunately, there are many different steps a person can take to avoid getting oral thrush in the first place.

How Does An Oral Infection Develop?

Before you embark on the search for an effective oral yeast infection cure, it would be good to understand a few things about the condition first. Oral thrush comes from a fungus called Candida Yeast Infection cure as soon as possible is very important not only to eliminate the uncomfortable and painful symptoms of the condition, but also to prevent further growth of the fungus in other parts of the body.

There are many options available today when it comes to curing oral yeast infection, the most popular of which is the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications. While there are certainly a few types of medications out there that work quite nicely, there are also those that come with a number of very unpleasant side effects, so that should also be something to take into consideration.

Natural Remedies

With over-the-counter treatments, many have negative side effects, many people who are looking for an oral yeast infection cure will more readily turn to natural remedies as a solution. These natural remedies are often just as effective as conventional medication, but without the side effects. Some good examples are improving your diet, getting adequate rest, and taking natural supplements to boost your immune system.

In addition to these general good health practices, another popular and highly effective natural oral yeast infection cure is to eat a cup of plain, unsweetened yogurt once or twice a day. Yogurt contains plenty of the good bacteria that the body can use to help combat the overgrowth of the Candida albicans fungus. Drinking lots of water can also help, as well as rinsing your mouth with a good mouthwash after brushing. You can treat your oral infections, by combating the Candida overgrowth. By keeping it in check you won't have the plaguing symptoms anymore.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What Kinds of Fruits Can You Not Eat If You Have Candida?

Looking for information about what kinds of fruits can you not eat if you have Candida Yeast Infections. We all have yeast inside of our bodies, but sometimes an imbalance can cause a yeast infection. If the yeast multiplies too much, it will cause an overproduction of yeast.

This is known as a yeast infection. Yeast infections can be in many places on the body such as the mouth, skin, and genitalia. When someone has a Candida infection many doctors say that it is best not to eat fruit when trying to get rid of the infection.

When looking for information about what kinds of fruits can you not eat if you have Candida then you should know that the Candida virus multiplies, it is usually because the environment is acidic, which means the pH balance in that person's body is not where it should be. This type of environment is perfect for Candida to thrive because the acid is able to inhibit the body and its ability to take in vitamins and minerals.

This slows down enzyme production. When the body has a hard time to digest food, it is best to just stop eating them.

Sugar and Candida go hand in hand. Sugar feeds Candida and allows it to continue to grow and multiply. These sugars include fructose, which is sugar from fruit, and alcohol. Anyone who is trying to slow down the spread of Candida should altogether avoid certain types of sugar. Some types of water have chemicals that are added that also aggravate the spread of Candida, so distilled water should be consumed.

When looking for information about what kinds of fruits can you not eat if you have Candida then you should know that trying to get rid of the infection, people should most definitely slow down their consumption of fruit. Though fruit is a necessary item for a healthy diet, people who want to get rid of the Candida infection have to limit how much fruit is taken in each day. When starting the Candida cleansing diet, people should avoid all fruit because fructose aids the growth of Candida.

During this time, no fruit should be eaten, and if it is it should be eaten in small portions. Not even dried fruit should be eaten. Once the Candida infection has gone away, people can eat fruit with low amounts of sugar such as melons, grapefruit, apples, and strawberries.

Also when trying to get rid of the Candida infection, it is important to stay away from fruit juices and anything that deals with fruit or has high levels of fructose. If someone continues to take in fructose, the Candida infection will not go away.

If you begin to crave sugar or a sweet item, try using Stevia, which is a sugar substitute that is purely natural. After the Candida infection is gone, it is critical that the person does not relapse and begins eating a lot fruits and drinking alcohol. If this happens, the Candida infection will become more frequent.

With a Candida infection, it is important to not eat any type of fruit, mainly because the fructose will just aid the infection. After the infection has cleared up, people can eat fruit but they have to eat it in moderation. When looking for information about what kinds of fruits can you not eat if you have Candida then you should know that it is also important to eat fruit that is not full of natural sugar.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Candida Symptoms In Women

When an infection is present there are a number of things that could have caused it. When it comes to Candida Yeast Infection is caused by Candida Yeast Infection so we have to make sure we keep our bodies clean and dry. The fungus is attracted to moisture and heat so if you keep every part of your body dry and clean then you should have no problem keep the infection off. However, there are some medications and illnesses that can cause Candida infections without us being able to stop it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Natural Yeast Infection Treatments - The Real Solution to End Yeast Infection Symptoms Fast

There are many women who battle with yeast infection throughout their lives. It is a very discomforting infection and finding the right treatment can be a very difficult task. Some of the symptoms associated with a yeast infection are: vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, painful urination, painful sex, rashes and several others. These symptoms occur when there is an overgrowth of the bacteria Candida Yeast Infection is a natural remedy. This is because using drugs and prescription medications have a high risk of side effects and most of them only mask the symptoms while the root cause is not treated.

Below you will find some of the best natural yeast infection treatments that have been reported to give great resulted. They are listed in no particular order and you can use one which suites you.

Treatment #1- One of the most widely used natural yeast infection treatment is Tea Tree oil. This is a substance that contains several antibacterial properties that will inhibit the growth of the Candida Yeast Infection is the use of garlic. Garlic also has antibacterial and antiviral properties which also inhibits the growth of the Candida Yeast Infection vanishes away.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rectal Yeast Infection - How to Get Rid of Anal Yeast Infection!

Rectal yeast infection is caused by the same fungi infection that causes vaginal candidiasis. It is more difficult to diagnose yourself than vaginal infection. Only a doctor can tell you for sure if you suffer from Candida Yeast Infection and oral thrush. How our digestive organ starts from the mouth and ends with the rectum this is quite normal to be close related each other.

Rectal yeast infection is caused when the normal yeast bacteria transform itself due to favorable conditions to a fungus condition. The result is a systemic yeast and one of the effect could be anal Candida Yeast Infection you need to kill the yeast fungus. This can be done by a total holistic approach and alternative remedies for candida work very well to help you get better. I do not imply that the orthodox anti-fungal creams do not work, it is just that you have to do a bigger effort in achieving your goal. Also following an anti-candida diet will get you yeast free and a better skin and hair and slimmer figure.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Can Beer Make a Yeast Infection Worse

Vaginal yeast infection is a common fungal infection caused by fungi of the Candida Yeast Infection worse because yeast is used in brewing. Although it does not constitute yeast of the Candida Yeast Infection causing fungi, to grow. Since the yeast infection causing fungi is already present in our body in small quantities, favorable conditions are likely to cause an overgrowth that leads to infection.

Therefore, holistic healers advice against the intake of beer along with other food such as sodas, sugars, vinegar and cheese which are likely to worsen a yeast infection. Moreover, beer is an alcoholic drink and like any other hard drink, it affects the intestinal lining. The permeability of the intestinal lining increases. This allows Candida Yeast Infections. Therefore, beer can make a vaginal yeast infection worse.

There are a number of food items that stimulate the growth of yeast infection causing fungi. Refined sugar, bread, white flour products, soft drinks and lots of other things contribute towards the overgrowth of yeast. Alcohol is also a major culprit in stimulating yeast growth. So, beer can worsen a vaginal yeast infection. Beer is often consumed by a lot of women and if they are not aware of the manifestations that consumption can have on their infection, their condition deteriorates.

While dietary modifications are required for treating the yeast infection, medicines and home remedies must also be used at the same time. The diet must contain things like yogurt which naturally creates acidophilus which is useful in combating the yeast. Similarly natural antifungal and antibacterial substances like garlic can be implemented into the diet. And since beer and other alcoholic drinks are likely to worsen a vaginal yeast infection, it is necessary to completely stop drinking till the time the infection is cured. Beer, is commonly consumed by people and sometimes they are themselves unaware of the complications associated with it. Therefore, it is necessary to limit consumption of alcoholic drinks, including beer during a vaginal yeast infection.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Why Do Women Get Repeated Yeast Infection?

Yeast  or Candida Yeast Infection? Knowing the reason will help you prevent the recurrence of this infection

This disease is a fungal infection brought by the overgrowth of Candida Yeast Infection.

Weakened immune system.  If your resistance or immunity to diseases and infection is weak of course you are prone to infections.  Your lifestyle may affect your immune system. Not getting enough sleep and a poor diet can weaken your immune system and may cause repeated yeast infection.  Medications like antibiotics and steroids can also weaken your resistance against infections. The worst condition is having a compromised immune system due to HIV. People with HIV are more likely to catch diseases and infections.

Pregnancy. Pregnant women are prone to yeast or Candida Yeast Infection

Tight fitting clothes.  Moisture on the genital area due to heat brought by tight fitting clothes like tight jeans, stockings and underwear encourage yeast bacteria to flourish. To avoid repeated yeast infection, you have to wear clothes that allow air circulation on the genital area. Cotton underwear and loose clothing prevents sweating and moisture on the genital area.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Yeast Infection On Scrotum

Men also get yeast infection. The yeast infection on scrotum, penis and scrotal sack are among the most common that occur in men. There are certain symptoms that men should know that they will know how to treat these infections.

While the vagina provides a perfect environment for the yeast to reproduce, male yeast infections can occur on the penis, scrotum or scrotal sack.

Men usually get yeast infection on scrotum and other areas that can easily get infected because of certain taking in of drugs or antibiotics, diabetes or just because of the sexual contact with a woman who has a yeast vaginal infection.

A lot of treatments are available such as prescriptive drugs and antifungal creams as well as other home remedies that help cure the infection. But before doing self-treatment, it is always recommended to first see your doctor so that you will be given the proper diagnosis as it may be something else other than yeast infection.

Yeast infection on scrotum is normally characterized by rashness of the area affected. Itching is a normal occurrence when there is a yeast infection and there will also be noticeable redness of the part affected.

Yeast infection on scrotum [http://stop-Candida Yeast Infection.html] can properly be treated by certain programs that are being offered and well discussed in many books today. A lot of yeast infection sufferers claim that through these reading materials, they were able to eliminate totally the incidence of yeast infection in parts of their body. These books do not only promise a yeast infection free experience but also it is a safe one in that it doesn't require certain drugs that might cause side effects.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

7 Candidiasis Symptoms in Men to Look For

Here, you'll discover how to recognise Candidiasis symptoms in men and what you can do about it. Candidiasis is sometimes called Candida Yeast Infection. And an infection of the mouth is often called Thrush. I use all these expressions here...

Typical Candidiasis symptoms in men are as follows; red and inflamed penis head, chronic itching, blistering that can weep, dry and flaky skin, unnatural discharge, painful urination, painful / inability to have sex.

Oral Candida Yeast Infection.

This is believed to be because these medications attack the symptoms of Candidiasis rather than the root cause, the Candida Albicans fungus. Also, because they are drug-based the Candida fungus can become resistant to the drugs.

So what can you do to prevent this happening to you?

Well, thousands of men and women are successfully turning to totally natural remedies without the negative aspects of these expensive drug-based medications. Not only have they eliminated their Candidiasis fast and permanently, their overall health position has been markedly improved.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Candida Factor

A Well-Known Truth Finally Admitted by the Medical Community

For years Natural Health practitioners have been raising a hue and cry over what has been seen as ignorance on the part of medical doctors in their apparent disregard for anything having to do with "natural health". An area of specific concern are the side effects of the antibiotics that are given so freely, and so often, for every sniffle and sneeze that walks through the door. Many doctors would claim that if they didn't write out a prescription, their patients would simply go to another doctor for it, and the sad part is that they're probably right. However, this particular issue is much more insidious and the results can be devastating.

In an article published in Viva magazine out of Toronto, Canada in the Fall 2005 issue, Dr. Roby Mitchell, M.D. wrote about the cause and cure of Type 2 Diabetes. Apparently, a team of eyes, ears, nose and throat doctors at the prestigious Mayo Clinic were trying to identify a germ that they felt may be the cause of so many degenerative diseases including, but not limited to, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease. Interestingly enough, they found it and it was a fungus. So what was the fungus identified as the primary factor in 97% of their patients suffering from a degenerative disease? Candida Albicans.

Let's break this down. Each time you are given an antibiotic, penicillin for example, the antibiotic does a great job at killing the "bad" bacteria that is causing your current ailment. However, what you probably don't realize is that it also kills the "good" bacteria in your intestinal flora that helps to keep fungi, such as Candida Albicans, in check. We all have Candida as well as other yeasts inside our bodies; they are natural (and no, this is not just a female issue). However, when Candida is allowed to exist unchecked, such as when the good bacteria has been killed off during a bout of antibiotics, it begins to take on a life of its own. These yeasts feed primarily on sugar, hence you may find you tend to eat more grains and simple sugars when you have a Candida imbalance.

From Dr. Roby Mitchell's article, "Once fungi set-up camp in a particular tissue, that tissue will commonly respond by having its cells overachieve - producing more of what they normally produce. So, when the liver is infected, it creates more cholesterol. The pancreas cells will produce more insulin, leading to obesity and a pre-diabetic state." What isn't specifically called out is what is often referred to as "leaky gut syndrome" where the Candida literally grows so out of control that it creates holes in the intestinal walls and becomes systemic.

So, we take antibiotics and our natural flora is disrupted leading to a Candida overgrowth. The more sugars we eat, the more powerful and systemic the Candida becomes. The stronger it becomes the farther it spreads into areas of the body where it does not belong, including the brain! The holes created in the intestinal tract also then allow other toxins to float freely about where they don't belong sending the body into toxic overload. The next thing we know, we have a dis-ease - according to the doctors at the Mayo Clinic, 97% of these may be caused by a Candida overgrowth and by controlling the Candida, the theory is the disease can also be eliminated.

Educate yourself on the effects of Candida overgrowth and the steps you can take to offset this silent predator.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What Causes a Yeast Infection?

Yeast Infection causes - If you suffer from recurring yeast infections, then it is important to figure out what is causing this annoying itch to constantly reappear. The cause of these Infections is what is know as Candida Yeast Infection. When you kill off the site of the Infection with medication, you are not necessarily dealing with the source of the problem, the Candida Yeast Infection is Candida Yeast Infection, you can better equip yourself to prevent future infections occurring.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Candida Symptoms - Allergies, Anxiety & Asthma Due to Candida Overgrowth

Do you experience Candida Yeast Infection in no time!

The most important thing of course is that you follow the anti-yeast diet correctly and remove the foods that create disease such as processed foods, sugar, alcohol, dairy and wheat. Not only this but you need to address the root cause of what's causing your body to allow candida to overgrow in the first place!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yogurt Fruit Dip Recipe - The Nutritional and Health Benefits

Yogurt fruit dip recipes are much healthier than a marshmallow fluff fruit dip or dipping fruit in chocolate. This may sound like heresy to some folks but it's true.

Health Benefits Of Yogurt

One of the most important health benefits of yogurt is the fact most yogurts have "active cultures." This means it has live bacteria in it. Don't get grossed out! It's OK. The live bacteria in most yogurts are the "good" bacteria your body needs to function correctly to stay healthy. Before buying yogurt you should check the label on side of the package to make sure it lists "live active culture" or similar wording.

Any mention of "yogurt" in this article will be referring to products with active cultures. Yogurt without active cultures is not as useful to your body. If you have the choice, doesn't it make sense to buy the yogurt with active cultures instead of those without? Of course it makes sense. Especially when you consider they cost almost exactly the same. So, what type of conditions may yogurt be valuable in helping?

Yogurt Consumption Discourages Vaginal and Bladder Infections

After completing antibiotic therapy for a bacterial infection you should consume yogurt to restore beneficial gut bacteria. Why? Because antibiotics kill the "good" gut bacteria the same as they destroy the "bad" bacteria making you sick. It is well established that bladder infections commonly occur after a regimen of antibiotic therapy. This is because the good bacteria are wiped out leaving fertile ground for bad bacteria to colonize, multiply, and create a secondary infection after the killing effects of the antibiotic are gone.

Consuming yogurt may discourage a secondary infection from occurring. It is helpful because it restores good bacteria, which offers a protective presence. This wards off the bad bacteria. Think about this for a moment. If good bacteria are living on every space available because you ate yogurt with active cultures (or took specialized "good gut bacteria" from the pharmacy) then there is less room for bad bacteria to gain a foothold. The good bacteria literally squeeze out the bad.

One study of diabetic women revealed that yogurt consumption helped their vaginal area maintain a more acidic environment. This area of the female body is naturally more acidic to create an inhospitable environment for bacteria, viruses, or fungi. The less favorable the growing conditions the less growth of these unwanted organisms occurs. In this study the increased acidity caused by yogurt consumption discouraged the growth of Candida Yeast Infections are common in diabetics but eating yogurt decreased its occurrence.

In addition to helping fight certain infections, yogurt may be helpful with conditions such as constipation, chronic diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel disease. It appears the active cultures are responsible for these beneficial effects. Going natural is the best way to reap the most benefits from yogurt.

Yogurt Contains Calcium and Protein

Because yogurt is made from milk and other dairy products it contains calcium and protein. Yogurt will help provide some of these needed nutrients in a convenient, easily consumed form. Try this easy yogurt fruit dip recipe if you want to begin exploring this culinary delight.

Easy Yogurt Dip Recipe

One eight-ounce (8 oz.) container of plain yogurt (regular, fat-free, or low-fat is your choice)
One-tablespoon honey (it is absorbed less abruptly than table sugar so it doesn't disrupt your body as much)
Three-tablespoons of shredded coconut.

Whisk ingredients together and serve immediately with fruit chunks.

Why Have Fruit Dips?

Why have fruit dips? Isn't fruit alone good enough by itself? Don't most fruits have a wonderful flavor, a great texture on the tongue, and sweetness combined into a tidy, ready-to-eat morsel? Fruit contains minerals, essential vitamins, and fiber, which maintain normal body function.

Folks who consume greater amounts of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis have less chronic diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers including breast and bowel cancers. Consider adding the health benefits of yogurt to those of fruit the next time you need a snack or fun dish for a party. It is a great way to offer good healthy foods to guests who may not otherwise consider going natural and eating such foods.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Do Home Remedies Work For Getting Rid of Candida? Absolutely! Read on For How!

A yeast infection is an expected condition that women look out for, and it can generally be treated fairly easy. However, there are some cases when even after treatment the yeast infection reappears. In bad cases, it can really ruin your life and the quality of life you live. I know because I had chronic Candida Yeast Infection from ruining your life, there are some things you should consider. First of all, the vagina is a prime dwelling area for Candida Yeast Infection. Having a warm environment with higher traces of sugar in it makes it easier for Candida Yeast Infection outbreaks.

Last, and by no means least, avoid prescription medications that claim to be able to get rid of yeast infections permanently. All they do is suppress the symptoms for a short period of time, after which they return. There are also some serious side effects that can come with using these medications. Your best bet to get rid of candida permanently is to use home remedies.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Yeast Infection? - You'll Know These Symptoms When You Get Them

A severely uncomfortable itch, obvious irritation and redness in the area. These are the major signs and symptoms of a yeast infection. Some people may have some, all, or none of these symptoms. The unbearable itching is the most troublesome symptom and it is the reason people look all over the place to find a quick, inexpensive solution. From home made remedies to prescription or over the counter medicines, people will try almost anything to make it go away.

Some other signs and symptoms of a yeast infection are:

o painful urination due to the dryness of the vagina
o painful sexual intercourse due to the irritation and dryness of the vagina
o whitish gray or cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge. This discharge may have no odor or a yeasty odor.

Your doctor can determine for sure if you have an infection. You don't want to treat yourself for a yeast infection if you don't have one. If you're not sure you should go to your doctor to rule out more serious conditions such as bacterial infections.

What causes a yeast infection? Candida Yeast Infections include certain detergents, fabric softeners, feminine and hygiene sprays, and forms of contraceptives like foams or jellies. These substances change the pH level in our bodies which allows the yeast to multiply. Women also have a greater risk of being diagnosed with a yeast infection because of the estrogen level in their bodies. Women who take estrogen-containing birth control pills and those who are pregnant are more likely to suffer.

It is reported that 3 in 4 women will suffer from a yeast infection at some point in their lives. And out of those, 50% will have a recurring infection. Once you determine if you have a yeast infection, there are several things you can do to get rid of it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Over The Counter Treatment For Yeast Infection And Some Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Though it's quite unfortunate but its the truth, women can easily pick up yeast infections compared to men. This is often a great burden that impacts negatively on members of both sex. Symptoms of infections in women often come in the form of an itching vagina, burning sensations whenever they try to urinate and vagina discharge. The fluid released from the vagina is usually a thick, white, cottage-cheese-like discharge.

Presently, there are several across the counter remedies you can find offering you a quick relief from the symptoms and the infections itself. And you won't be able to pick one of them as the best cure or remedy for Candida Yeast Infections, then you need to know the reasons why doctors often play a role in identifying the symptoms behind the infections especially before they start any kind of treatment to address the issue.

This is a very important phase because this is the point where you actually get to discover if you're dealing with a fungal or bacterial infection or any other condition with similar symptoms like some of the STDs - Sexually Transmitted Diseases. As a result of this, you just need to identify the problem correctly before doing anything. It would be a very good idea if you consult your doctor if it becomes a frequent problem because you might just need stronger medications which includes prescriptions.

And once you've confirmed you have Candida Yeast Infections. They usually come in form of sprays that could apply under your tongue. Many people have been satisfied with the results they got using Yeastrol and even attested to the curative powers and effectiveness of this medication.

However to get the full benefits of this product, there are certain things you must do. You need to use Yeastrol regularly without missing any dose. You might not get the much needed results if you miss out on a dosage which is why you need to be consistent with the treatment.

Alternatively, using home made remedies for yeast infections is the best way to get rid of the infection on the long term. Some home remedies for yeast infections include:

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is very useful for so many for many health problems and one of such is Candida infections.

Raw Garlic: You can slice or cut up the garlic before you insert it in your vagina. Some ladies like wrapping the garlic inside a small piece of cheesecloth which you just have to tie before its inserted into your vagina. If you intend using this method, you will need a string long enough to grasp and control the insertion and withdrawal of the garlic.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Candida Symptoms

Looking for information on Candida Yeast Infections are an uncomfortable condition to endure. The infection itself is caused by the over multiplication of Candida Yeast Infection happens the yeast has produced in abundance and concentrated itself in one specific area of the body. In the case of the notorious vaginal yeast infection, the yeast has concentrated itself in the vaginal area.

Characteristic Candida symptoms caused by this high yeast concentration include an abnormal discharge and swelling of the vulva. While females regularly experience a clear and odorless vaginal discharge, when the vagina becomes infected it differs greatly.

The discharge begins to appear yellowish or whitish in color, is of a rather thick consistency, and has a detectable odor that can actually differ from woman to woman. Furthermore, the area becomes irritated, and intense burning and itching sensations that increase during urination may occur.

The high discomfort level of these Candida symptoms prompt many women to seek a cure. There are many topical remedies that claim to treat yeast infections that can be found over-the-counter. However, many of these products are not necessarily the most effective solution. There are many different types of anti-itch creams.

While these products do sometimes provide temporary relief, they are by no means the ultimate solution. The creams themselves are thick and uncomfortable when applied, and must be applied frequently to feel any results at all.

Another option is douching. However, douching frequently disrupts the delicate balance of the vagina, sometimes causing more irritation than the actual yeast infection itself has already done to begin with. The problem with these types of remedies is that they treat only the skin irritation that is caused by the yeast infection.

In order to successfully treat long term Candida symptoms and recurrent yeast infections, it is essential to find a cure that treats the root of the problem. The main source of infection is the abundant production of yeast.

Therefore, action must be taken in order to decrease the production of the yeast within the body. This can be accomplished by careful attention to factors that increase yeast production.

Factors include various foods that are contributors to Candida production, as well as specific personal hygiene habits and types of clothing that promote yeast production by creating an environment in which it survives much easier. By learning about and changing these habits for the better, yeast production is decreased before skin irritation begins, and recurrent yeast infections are much less likely to occur.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How Do You Get Rid of Yeast Infection Naturally?

When folks ask how you get rid of yeast infection naturally, there are usually three reasons; (1) drug-based remedies haven't worked for them, (2) they've suffered nasty side effects, or, (3) they don't like using drug-based treatments, period. So they pursue natural remedies for their yeast infection. But, trying to get rid of yeast infection naturally, isn't just about finding natural stuff that you either consume or apply to the infection. It's more complicated than that, as you'll discover here...

First up, what causes yeast infections?

Yeast infections are caused by a tiny, yeast-like fungus known as Candida Yeast Infection

So what are these underlying conditions?

There are quite a few, but the most common are; a lowered immune system, diabetes, poor nutrition, antibiotics, steroids, pregnancy, oral contraception, drug use, some medical conditions, menstruation, douching, wearing wet or damp swimwear for long periods, etc. So although the Candida Yeast Infection, without the right conditions, it cannot multiply. This is important in figuring out how you get rid of yeast infection naturally.

Why are drug-based treatments ineffective for many sufferers?

The reason is that they are antifungal that are topically applied to the affected area usually. They target the yeast infection symptoms, not the root cause(s). And because they are drug-based, the Candida Yeast Infections. Also they can have some unwanted side effects for some people.

Okay then, how do you get rid of yeast infection naturally?

Natural remedies are increasingly being used by sufferers around the world. A lot of natural stuff has antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They can be consumed or applied. And when the correct ones are used they can be very effective.

Typical of these are; garlic, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, plain yogurt, buttermilk, curds, olive leaf / grapefruit seed extract, and herbs such as oregano and black walnut. These are just a few of the many in use right now.

Is this enough for you to get rid of yeast infection naturally, without drugs?

Not unless you take care of the root causes, as well as getting rid of the symptoms. Remember, there are things like diet and other issues that need to be addressed as well. But there are a few, good natural treatment programs out there, that take this total end-to-end approach, for you to get rid of yeast infection naturally. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What Are the Yeast Infection Symptoms in a Man?

Just as it is possible for a baby to have a yeast infection, so is it possible for yeast infection symptom in man to exist. Many people are under the impression that only women can experience a yeast infection in their genital region. Although it is true that women are far more likely to develop these yeast infections, thinking a man cannot develop a genital yeast infection is a misconception that needs to be dispelled.

Men, like women have Candida Yeast Infection. For instance, oral thrush, and many skin rashes and infections such as athlete's foot are all forms of yeast infections that are linked to Candida Yeast Infections are an infection caused by Candida Yeast Infection symptom in man - often caused by HIV - A yeast infection that affects the genital region, known as a penile yeast infection, can be caused by different factors. Some of these factors may include the following -

Sexual transmission - If a man has unprotected sex with a woman, who has a vaginal yeast infection, Candida Yeast Infection symptom in man to develop from antibiotics, but it is not impossible. Antibiotics are considered candida friendly because they destroy good bacteria and bad bacteria, creating an imbalance in gut flora which can result in candida overgrowth and lead to infection.

Diabetes - Men who have diabetes are at a greater risk of developing yeast infections due to the fact that they have elevated sugar levels in their urine.

What are the symptoms? The following are some of the penile yeast infection symptom in man to look for:

o Irritation and soreness present in the head of the penis, often accompanied by itchiness.

o The head of the penis may appear red and develop small blisters

o Presence of discharge that appears thick and white

o Little red itchy bumps may appear on the penis shaft or surrounding genital area if a yeast infection is left untreated.

If a man is experiencing these symptoms, it is important that he visit his doctor to receive a proper diagnosis. There are two main reasons why a professional diagnosis is important -

1. If a man does not treat a yeast infection, he can pass it back to his partner, and she can continue to pass it back to him. Both sexual partners should be treated to eradicate the threat of infection.

2. Although a man may think he is suffering a yeast infection, in actuality his symptoms may be the cause of an entirely different medical condition- genital herpes. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that is characterized by little itchy bumps, and is a chronic disease that can not be treated with the same remedies as a yeast infection.

Hence, always have symptoms investigated by a health care provider to be sure, and refrain from self-diagnosis.

How is a penile yeast infection symptom in man treated? In most cases it is treated with the same topical cream prescribed to women with vaginal yeast infections. These creams are available without a doctor's prescription at your local pharmacy. Just remember, that if you've never experienced a penile yeast infection before, it's a good idea to visit your doctor, get checked out, and take his treatment advice to experience effective relief.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vaginal Bleeding With Yeast Infection

When a woman has a yeast infection, there are a lot of different nasty symptoms she can experience, such as white or yellow discharge from the vagina, itchiness, soreness and redness around the vulva area, and even bleeding. This can be especially scary for women who have never had a yeast infection or don't know much about what happens when you have one. Vaginal bleeding with yeast infection is not just common, it's treatable, so don't worry.

When you begin to bleed due to a yeast infection it most commonly happens in two different parts of your body. It can be very uncomfortable and even frightening for some women. When bleeding occurs it's usually due to the cuts and inflammation that come along with a yeast infection. A yeast infection is simply caused by a buildup of yeast in the body which can be caused by a number of different factors and sometimes a mix of more than one.

Most women's first instinct is to attack the vagina with as many different yeast infection products as they can get their hands on, however this is a bad idea. Since your vagina is so sensitive at this point the last thing you'll want to do is go in rubbing a bunch of products on and irritating it even more, causing perhaps even more bleeding. The best thing you can do is consult a doctor and hold of on any one treatment until your get their professional advice.

Those who are at the highest risk for a yeast infection are mostly women because of the nature of their biology, meaning the vagina is a moist and warm place where yeast love to hide and host, spreading and causing an infection. Also those who drink considerably and have diabetes are also at a high risk for getting a yeast infection. Men usually only get one when having unprotected sex with a woman who has a yeast infection.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Can a Yeast Infection Go Away on Its Own?

A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of fungus and can occur in different parts of the body but for the majority of women vaginal yeast infections are the most common.

It's important to treat the infection as soon as its detected otherwise it will take longer to cure. A yeast infection will not go away on its own. If left untreated the symptoms will just get worse. The first day, you'll feel just a tickle of itchiness that comes and goes. The next day, or sometimes two or three days later, the vaginal discharge starts to look white and lumpy like tiny bits of cottage cheese. By this time, you'll have a full-blown yeast infection and the vulva (the area around the vagina) will often be red and sore. You'll experience a burning sensation during urination and during intimacy with a partner along with vaginal odour.

If you have a yeast infection the good news is that it is treatable. Don't live with the pain because of the embarrassment, it is a very common infection where over 90% of the women have had yeast infections in their lifetimes, some women have had regular occurring yeast infections. There are number of treatments to help cure a yeast infection, creams and lotions, suppositories that are inserted into the vagina or natural remedies.

Natural remedies used to treat yeast infections include "live" yoghurt tampon applications, garlic, tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar douching to name just a few. These remedies if used at an early stage of an infection will provide you with instant pain relief and cures the yeast infection in just a few days. If you've had the infection for a number of weeks, these remedies can still be effective; it will just take a little longer. The best thing about natural remedies is that they help prevent yeast infections from occurring again whereas prescribed drugs provide temporary relief.

No matter what treatment you decide to use, it is important to start the treatment early. The good thing about the natural remedies is that some of these ingredients are already in your kitchen and they can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Now pay close attention to this,

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bowel Detox Cleansing - Organic Herbs Do The Job!

Colon cleansing with organic herbs really does helps detoxify your intestines, expelling unhealthy mucus and built up toxins. Help prevent digestive disorders and colon problems by doing a cleanse detox with organic herbs twice a year. A good herbal detox will clear yeasts like Candida Yeast Infections Stomach bloating

It may seem there is an abundance of colon cleanses on offer, which can create confusion when coming to choose the right colon cleanse for you. Here are a few tips.
Do your own research about the herbs Never buy a colon cleanse that does not have the all the ingredients advertised Be wary of advertising that states you will lose weight. Stay away from free trial colon cleanses that offer 30-day refunds. standard)

If you have any questions about colon cleansing please feel free to contact us.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

At Home Remedies Yeast Infections - How to Cure Your Infection!

The facts about yeast infection is that most people are afraid of contacting the ailment that they fail to understand how to prevent and treat it from appearing or spreading. Before looking at home remedies for yeast infection it is important you understand the ailment. Yeast infections primarily inflict women who are in the age group within which they can naturally bear a child. According to medical reports more than 75-80% of this infection is caused by a fungus known as Candida Yeast Infection the natural or herbal remedies have been proven to work best because they have no side effect and even after treatment has been completed you can still continue using these treatment so as to ensure that the infections do not occur a second time.

Here are listed a couple of the home remedies for yeast You Can Use To Cure It:

1. Curds or yogurt is regarded as one of the best home remedies. In fact it is advised that you use a soaked tampon into curds and you place it on the infected part of your body at least for an hour. What this does is that the healthy required bacteria from the curds will replace the unhealthy yeast bacteria. This could be repeated twice to thrice a day.

2. You can be regularly daubing apple cider vinegar in the areas infected or prone to this infection. Your can add some garlic to stop the itchy feeling; and water to dilute the vinegar concentration.

3. A mixture of olive leaf extract with grapefruit seed extraction and a glass of water is a good curative tonic for this infection.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Signs and Symptoms of Vaginal Candidiasis

Ooh, that burning feeling. Doesn't it drive you mad, not to mention put you off any thought of moving, let alone going out dancing or having any sort of horizontal relationship with anyone. Don't look now, but it looks like you may be having a visit from the candidiasis army.

Candidiasis is the name given to the infection caused by a group of fungi - incidentally the official name for them is Candida, but they are also known as thrush, jock-itch, diaper rash, tinea....the list goes on. Anywhere that is damp, dark and lacking in fresh air is a prime spot for these guys to gather and multiply.

Unfortunately for us, the vagina is one of the best sites for this and when we encourage the fungus to grow by wearing pants that don't breathe, using douche or not washing the area we can unleash a whole heap of hell down there.

Signs that your nether regions are under attack from these invaders are:

a deep seated itch a burning feeling when peeing or having intercourse, a discharge that resembles cottage cheese; there may be redness and inflammation of the entire area, In extreme cases there may even be small blisters.

Vaginal candidiasis is also extremely contagious, so in the unlikely event that you do feel like having sex before the infection has cleared completely please abstain. You will be exposing your partner to the fungus which will not only delay your return to an active sex life, but should they contract the disease you will be exposing yourself to a recurrent or even a potentially life - threatening secondary infection.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easy and Effective Yeast Infection Treatments

Being affected by yeast infection or Candida Yeast Infection unlike other vaginal infections can be treated at home with antifungal medications that you could buy over-the-counter. The itchiness and redness, white cheesy discharge and pain while urinating and having intercourse are the symptoms which you should look for and this would usually reduce within a week.

A few misconceptions concerning the Candida Yeast Infection happens to men too. It is caused by a fungus in both men and women. This yeast is called candida. Besides vaginal yeast infection, there is the oral thrush and diaper rash, which affects the mouth and babies. In fact Candida can occur in any warm moist part of your body.

There is a wide selection of antifungal medications available today that includes topical lotions and creams, oral pills), and vaginal suppositories.

The best option for vaginal candidiasis, yeast infection treatment is to use Antifungal medications by applying directly on the affected area.

For oral thrush, the Candida treatment would be to gargle with an antifungal mouthwash. You could use Antifungal lozenges and oral pills depending on the intensity of the infection. Excellent oral hygiene is recommended. This includes taking out your dentures and cleaning them thoroughly after each use.

If your little one is suffering from infection, you should handle him with utmost care as any wrong handling can worsen the affected area and can cause bleeding. Mothers should check their breasts for the Candida on their breast if the baby is breastfed. For diaper rashes there are various rash creams which can be generously applied on the affected areas. Diapers should be changed frequently and be exposed to air for some time.

Besides these yeast infection treatments, you could opt for natural remedies like yoghurt, tea tree oil, honey, garlic, boric acid, hydrogen peroxide etc. Nevertheless in the event of the infection getting worse consult you physician immediately.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cure Oral Yeast Infection - Discover 3 Tips to Banish Candida & Get Your Healthy Life Back

If there is one problem which is commonly faced by people, it would be the oral yeast infection. For this reason, many people in the internet are searching the keyword "cure oral yeast infection' to find relief from their problems. The condition is basically caused by the Candida Yeast Infection. Seek the advice of a physician because he will for sure recommend a good antifungal drug which may be available in liquid or tablet form to deal with the problem. Keep in mind though that there are times when this medication may pose an untoward side effect thus leading to certain health issues such as liver damage thus it is helpful to take this medicine under the supervision of a professional. Here are some of the many things that you can further do to help solve the problem:

1. Be mindful about your diet. You have to consume the right diet everyday coupled with a good amount of exercise and rest to help boost your immune system and to make the body healthy.

2. Have a strong and healthy body. If you have one, expect that you will be more resistant to lots of infections which will of course work for your advantage.

3. Make use of unsweetened yogurt to aid your body control the growth of fungus which will lead to yeast infection. This is a treatment that can be done at home without costing a lot.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thrush Treatment

For a thrush treatment we first want to look at what form of thrush infection we are dealing with. Thrush is another name for yeast infection or Candida Yeast Infection referring to the vaginal form of this condition. The kind which affects the mouth we often call thrush or oral thrush.

The root cause of any of those infections is the same, its an fungal infection caused by the Candida Yeast Infection, with the difference being the location on our bodies where it could appear.

Thrush needs to be treated right away to avoid further spreading of the infection and to avoid more health complications down the road.

For example, oral thrush at first might only affect the mouth, tongue or inner cheeks. Patients  who already have a lower immune system (cancer patients, elderly people) have a heightened risk of oral thrush spreading down into the lungs or to other inner parts if not treated quickly and properly.

Conventional Thrush Treatments for Oral Thrush

Your doctor might describe antifungal mouthwash or lozenges. In case they wont do the job he might prescribe other medication.

If the thrush already spread to other body parts he might prescribe stronger medications like ketoconazole or fluconazole, for example Diflucan.

Natural Thrush Treatment

If the thrush is rather mild and in the early stages you can control the infection by eating natural yogurt. Another option is to get acidophilus pills which you can buy in many stores. The yoghurt or the acidophilus pills can help in restoring the normal bacterial flora. If this natural treatment does not help or the thrush is too severe you should consult your doctor.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Get Rid of Yeast Infections - 4 Easy Tips!

Most women try to get rid of yeast infection by making a trip to the nearest drugstore and purchasing some over advertised OTC medicine.  They dutifully go home, apply the cream, or insert the suppository and wait the prescribed amount of time for the burning and itching to go away!  3 weeks later, they do it all over again! 

Someone smarter than me said that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.  The modern way we go about getting rid of yeast infection seems like the epitome of insanity.  What women need is an all natural way that works once and for all.  We need a way to treat the symptoms which are sometimes bad enough to drive us mad.  Who can stand the burning and itching, the painful urination, the ugly discharge and the painful intercourse?  It is normal that we focus on these because they are the "face" of the Candida Yeast Infection then you can start with the following advice.  These bits of advice are by no means a complete approach to fighting yeast infections but they are a start:

Watch what you wear:  Wear breathable clothing that will allow your vaginal area to breathe and stay dry.  Cotton undergarments are best since they are perfect at whisking away moisture and allowing air circulation.  The last thing you need is some synthetic garbage that will keep your private area hot and damp (the best environment for yeast growth) Refrain from having sex until you are over the infection:  The best way to prolong a Candida Yeast Infection, you must go further. Treat the underlying cause of your yeast infection.  Why is it happening?  What triggers it? There is a reason why yeast is taking over and you must address that reason. This is understandable the most difficult part of treating the condition.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Yeast Infections: Ancient Microbes, Modern Plague

Yeast infections have been around since ancient times. Although ancient healers couldn't identify Candida Yeast Infections, they were able to successfully treat yeast infections using herbs with natural anti-fungal properties. Microscopic fungi like Candida Yeast Infections in humans were rare until modern times when two major factors set the stage to make yeast overgrowth in America as common as apple pie:

1. Antibiotics - The overuse of antibiotics is a major cause of yeast infections and other forms of fungal overgrowth. Modern antibiotics don't discriminate between the pathogens they target and the beneficial microorganisms or probiotics that normally inhabit the gut in large numbers.

When the delicate balance of essential flora in the GI tract is disturbed, yeasts and other pathogens are quick to capitalize on the opportunity to multiply. Left to flourish untreated, candida can invade the intestinal walls, breaking them down until they begin to leak harmful bacteria and larger proteins into the blood stream. The resulting long term "leaky gut" toxicity and constant immune system burden can have devastating consequences to your health.

2. Refined Carbohydrates - Our high carb diet alters pH levels, lowers baseline immunity, and directly feeds the cycle of yeast infection in our bodies.

Types of Yeast Infection

There are more than 20 species of Candida, the most common being Candida Albicans. These fungi live on all surfaces of our bodies. Under certain conditions, they can become so numerous they cause infections, particularly in warm and moist areas. Examples of such infections are vaginal yeast infections, thrush (infection in the mouth), skin outbreaks and diaper rash, sinus and nail bed infections. Rarely, the infection may spread throughout the body. Most people do not survive systemic infections because of the massive amount of inflammation and toxicity produced.

Underlying Causes of Yeast Infection

Like antibiotics, corticosteroids also deplete the body of beneficial bacteria and undermine baseline immunity, encouraging the overgrowth of yeast. Birth control pills can also promote yeast infections.

A number of factors influence the body's ability to directly or indirectly control Candida overgrowth:

• Mineral Imbalance or Deficiency - Trace minerals like zinc and copper are essential to the body's ability to keep yeast under control.

• Stress impairs immune system function and depletes the body of essential minerals.

• Excessive Alkalinity favors yeast overgrowth. Adrenal exhaustion and thyroid insufficiency contribute to increased alkalinity.

• Heavy Metal Toxicity - Candida sufferers often have high levels of mercury, lead or cadmium in their tissues. Hair analysis can be helpful in identifying toxicities.

• Inadequate Cellular Energy Production - Biochemical energy is required for all body functions, including immune system function, and all other body systems.

• Impaired Short-chain fatty Acid Metabolism - Short-chain fatty acids are protective compounds that are manufactured as a byproduct of normal metabolism. Caprylic and butyric acid are frequently used as anti-fungal agents. Hair analysis and Organic Acid Testing can be helpful in identifying deficiencies.

• Thyroid Suppression is both a cause and a symptom of yeast infection because of its role in impaired immunity and energy production. Candida overgrowth in turn causes a buildup of mycotoxins that suppress thyroid function.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

Symptoms of candidiasis can vary widely depending upon where the infection takes hold, from vaginal itching, burning and discharge to allergies and skin disorders to brain fog, thyroid and immune suppression, sugar cravings and chronic fatigue.

Some natural practitioners estimate that because of the factors mentioned above, 70-80% of Americans are dealing with some form of fungal overgrowth. Don Dennis, MD, Board Certified EENT and plastic surgeon in Atlanta claims that fungal infection accounts for the suffering of a vast majority of chronic sinusitis patients. According to Dr. Dennis, "Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS) affects over 37 million Americans, making it more common than arthritis or high blood pressure."

Most CRS patients, like virtually all sufferers of chronic fungal infection, are caught up in an endless and seemingly hopeless cycle of infection and secondary reinfection with repeated antibiotic and steroid exposures that lead to its familiar pattern of symptoms.

Cancer Connection

Many practitioners are convinced that yeast overgrowth plays a central role in the growth of many cancers because of the toxic burden and oxidative stress it places on the body... not to mention the estrogenic effect of mycotoxins, the pirating of valuable cellular resources or the consequences of an overwhelmed immune system. Having a chronic yeast infection is like trying to row a boat with the anchor out!

Morgellons Connection

Similarly, fungal overgrowth appears to be a common factor among sufferers of Morgellons Disease, a horrific and increasingly common condition that involves immune compromise and failure of the bioterrain with multiple infections and infestations with plant and soil based pathogens that don't normally affect humans. The greatest danger of chronic yeast infection may be that it sets the table for secondary opportunistic infections.

Treatment of Yeast Infections

Mild cases of yeast infection are easily treated, but successful treatment of chronic candidiasis requires time, patience, determination and a multifaceted approach. There are five critical areas of intervention that are required to root out entrenched yeast infection in the body:

1. Diet - Anyone who has endured marathon struggles with candida overgrowth can attest to the difficulty of displacing established fungal infections, especially when underlying challenges such as heavy metal toxicity provide favorable conditions even when stringent dietary restrictions are followed. But the fact is, without a proper diet, there is virtually no hope of breaking out of the cycle of infection and reinfection. Basically, we need to eat what God has provided... a diet of veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, while limiting meat and dairy and avoiding anything processed... especially refined carbs.

2. Restore Digestion - Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes are necessary to restore adequate numbers of beneficial bacteria to the GI tract and improve digestive efficiency. Enzymes also help control yeast directly and perform a "house cleaning" function in the body. Hydrochloric acid (Betaine HCL) can also be helpful in restoring pH levels and improving protein and mineral absorption.

A broad spectum, high potency probiotic is very effective in restoring balance to essential flora in the gut. Don't fall for the sales hype about enteric coated delivery systems. God doesn't package our probiotics in tiny plastic bubbles; neither should we.

3. Anti-fungals - Prescription anti-fungal creams and suppositories can be very effective for topical or vaginal use. Systemic drugs are also available, but they can be very hard on the liver and kidneys. Natural practitioners prefer to use herbs and nutrients that are just as effective but lack the downside of chemical treatments, such as oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, proteolytic enzymes, butyric acid, black walnut, and wormwood.

4. Detoxification Support - Regardless of whether natural or conventional treatment options are pursued, it is wise and very helpful to provide the body with some liver support to help promote detoxification pathways which are heavily burdened with mycotoxins generated in the dieoff of yeast cells. This will minimize any Herxheimer effects as the body attempts to cast off these toxins.

5. Heal the Gut - This may seem redundant as all of the above strategies are aimed at restoring the digestive process, but as this happens, certain nutrients may be particularly helpful in repairing the integrity of the intestinal lining, such as L- Glutamine, Omega Three Fats and - once progress has been made - Whey Protein Isolate (a great source of pure amino acids, the building blocks needed for repair). Glutamine is an amino acid that is particularly useful early on in treatment, and may also help with sugar cravings.

Yeasts like Candida have been with us all along, but our collective choices have made yeast infections and other types of fungal overgrowth and secondary infections a growing epidemic around the world. For those who have struggled with chronic yeast infections and fungal overgrowth for years, know this:

Because of the intransigent and pleomorphic (spontaneously mutating) nature of the microbes involved (not to mention the secondary infections they invite), don't expect a first round knockout, but a multiple round epic struggle. With each round of treatment, the fungal load gets a little lower; with each round, the toxic burden gets a little lighter. With each round, the battle field is a little more level until finally the immune system is no longer outnumbered and outflanked.

With faithful determination and by God's grace, this is a battle worth fighting; it is a battle that can be and is being won.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Natural Cure - Yeast Infection Cures That Work

Are you wondering about natural cure, yeast infection cures that really work for long term results? Well, it is possible and if you do it right, you can get rid of Candida Yeast Infection, soak a tampon in yogurt and insert. Keep the tampon in for quite a while to give your body an opportunity to absorb it and repeat at least three times a day. If you have a skin infection, apply the yogurt as a lotion For a fungus infection in the mouth, eat a table spoon of yogurt and keep it in your mouth for a few minutes before swallowing it. No matter where you have the Candida Yeast Infection cures that really work in the long run. Start with them and you are well on your way.

Friday, April 6, 2012

What is the Candida Diet?

Though it may sound like a tropical island, Candida Yeast Infections, and yeast infections. Individuals with weakened immune systems can also become at risk for systemic candidiasis.

The Dangers of Candida

The excessive growth of Candida Albicans yeast in the dietary tract can cause fatigue, headache, mood swing, sinus congestion, depression, lack of concentration, and an intense sweet craving. If left unchecked, the extra yeast can penetrate the intestinal wall, which can lead to an allergic reaction to Candida.

What Causes Candida to Grow?

There are several factors that can lead to excessive Candida Albicans growth. Frequent use of oral contraceptives, antacids, steroids, or antibiotics are a definite cause. Additionally, a high sugar diet, diabetes, smoking, or pregnancy can also lead to excess candida growth.

How to Follow the Candida Diet?

Probably the biggest step to following the Candida Diet is to avoid sugar. Sugars will feed the yeast, and one of the easiest ways to keep it in check is to deprive it of fuel to grow. Because of that, your carbohydrates will need to be limited as they are essentially simple sugars. As your symptoms subside, you will be able to slowly increase the amount of carbohydrates that you are able to consume, but it is advisable to stick to low-carb foods like meat, shellfish, non-starchy vegetables, and chicken. Additionally, you will want to avoid foods that are high in yeast like bread, cheese, mushrooms, and beer.

How Long Should I be on the Candida Diet?

There is no set answer to how long anyone needs to stay on the Candida Diet. A lot of it depends on how long you've been experiencing the symptoms and how bad they have been. Additionally, your overall health is another factor that you need to take into account when looking at how long you should adhere to the diet. Typically it will take at least four weeks before you notice any improvement, but often it will take a couple of months to really see a major change.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Name the Top Yeast Infection Causes

After bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections are the most common type of vaginal infection for a woman. Since roughly 75% of women will develop a yeast infection in their lifetime, knowing the top yeast infection causes is a smart way to educate yourself and avoid the infections in the future.

First, a yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, although an infected woman can pass the infection onto an unaffected male. The symptoms of a yeast infection can be similar to other vaginal infections, so if you have never had the symptoms before, you need to visit your doctor. Some of these symptoms include pain during intercourse, a redness or swelling of the vulvar skin, burning sensation while urinating, vaginal itching and a thick, unusual discharge. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should start a treatment plan to alleviate the pain.

What are some of the yeast infection causes that are most likely to start an infection in a woman? There can be a number of different causes, but here are some of the most popular reasons why a yeast infection can occur:

-Oral contraceptives - specifically spermicide which can trigger it in men and women

-Taking antibiotics that can destroy "good" bacteria and cause an overproduction of the fungus

-Repeated intercourse over a short period of time


-A lowered immune system



-A high carbohydrate, sugar or alcohol intake

-Non-ventilated clothing that fosters fungal growth in moist areas

In addition, other vaginal disturbances like a new powder, washing detergent or change in soap can trigger another infection. Any situation that will throw your body out of its normal balance can be a reason for the Candida Yeast Infection otherwise known as thrush.

If you suffer from yeast infections regularly, you will need to ask your doctor to diagnose the reason why. You can try the popular Candida Yeast Infection symptoms that will help. Look for either medicated topical creams to provide immediate relief. There are also a number of natural solutions that will alleviate the symptoms of yeast infections now, but also prevent the fungus from overpopulation in the future. Depending on your comfort level with these different approaches, you can choose the prescription oral medications, topical creams or natural remedies like honey, yogurt, garlic and tea tree oil. Do you have any of the common yeast infection causes? Learn ways to avoid future infections through education.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another Yeast Infection - What Are Effective Natural Remedies For Candida to Treat It

Is that white yeast infection problem back again? For many women, this can occur over and over again. In the winter time we often need an antibiotic due to a bacterial infection or sinus infection. This is great to clear the respiratory problems, but can cause an imbalance in the bacteria since antibiotics kill both the good and back bacteria. We need to restore the intestinal flora again.

Fortunately, there are some home remedies for yeast infection that have been passed on from generation to generation. One of these is to apply yogurt using a tampon internally to the vaginal area. It also is helpful to take it orally. However, please be aware that you need to get yogur that has no preservatives or sugars as this will only aggravate the condition. Also, look for active or live cultures on the outside of the container to get the benefits of the probiotics.

A second natural remedy for yeast infection problems is to use apple cider vinegar. This is something to take internally and mix with water. It has a sour taste due to the vinegar, but some see apple cider vinegar as a unique tonic for the whole system and curative for many ailments. Try this and see how you feel afterwards in terms of your general health.

Are you eating lots of carbs and sugary foods? This is not great for your weight, but it is a true way to aggravate or start a yeast infection. Yeast live on sugars and will grow their colonies this way. Granny smith apples are recommended and small amounts of honey. Also, drink water as some people are dehydrated and this can make your system off balance. Watch what you eat as this will guard your health which is your most precious resource.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cinnamon - How This Versatile Spice Regulates Your Glucose Level

We've always known cinnamon as the ingredient that makes cinnamon rolls so irresistibly yummy. It is commonly used as an ingredient for the best cinnamon rolls, apple cinnamon pie, pastries and as flavoring for tea, coffee and various types of baked desserts, and as scent for candles, incense and essential oils.

Aside from its culinary wonder, there are many more benefits of cinnamon powder. It is used as medicine to treat a variety of ailments. It has been highlighted as a spice that can lower blood sugar or glucose level as manifested in Type 2 diabetic patients.

This was the result of a study conducted among 60 subjects where patients who have been suffering from this particular illness were given small doses of cinnamon. The results were amazing. Cinnamon did not only lower the patients' glucose level but also significantly lowered their cholesterol level coupled with an increase in the body's natural production of insulin.

Cinnamon's action is to slow down the rate of digestion of food in the stomach consequently reducing the production of glucose or blood sugar in the body. Therefore adding small amounts of cinnamon powder in your diet can significantly bring down your blood sugar level providing you some relief from your present ordeal.

Interestingly, it can stimulate brain activity merely by sniffing its strong aroma. This is a better alternative to those who dislike its strong flavor and taste. Just by constantly smelling the spice can improve your intellectual ability and develop your thinking and reasoning skills as well as improve your memory.

Ground cinnamon has also demonstrated its antifungal potency against Candida Yeast Infection candidiasis or thrush whose extent of infection ranges from the superficial oral thrush to vaginitis. It has also exerted its antibacterial power against urinary tract infection and typhoid fever.

Previous study also shows ground cinnamon to be effective in killing bacteria that cause bad breath as demonstrated in an experiment where cinnamon-flavored gum was used. Cinnamon is also believed to have anti-coagulating properties. The cinnamaldehyde content in cinnamon is responsible for the thinning of the blood but it also prevents unnecessary clotting of the blood platelets.

Cinnamon powder is an extremely rich source of calcium and manganese necessary for strengthening our bones, iron for the proper transport of oxygen in the blood and dietary fiber.

Daily doses of ground cinnamon mixed with your coffee or tea, your favorite dessert, your favorite recipes with cinnamon, or simply sniffing its scent will have intangible but invaluable benefits of cinnamon to your body. You don't have to worry where to buy cinnamon powder because it is available in your favorite supermarket, in health food stores and drug stores near your area. It is also available online with the appropriate cinnamon nutrition facts you need to know.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pictures of a Yeast Infection

Pictures of a yeast infection are not a pleasant sight, indeed. Anyone who is unsure whether the sores, bumps (and possibly smelly discharge) that they are experiencing is in fact Candida Yeast Infection.

What To Look For In Vaginal Yeast Infection Pictuers
Yeast vaginitis affects approximately 20%-50% of healthy women in their lifetime. While symptoms of excessive yeast in the vagina include burning, discomfort, odor and itching, this is not apparent in a picture. If you are looking at a pictures of a yeast infection in the vaginal area, you will see redness and swelling of the vulva along with some vaginal discharge that looks thick and watery - much like cottage-cheese.

What To Look For In Pictures Of A Male Yeast Infection
A penile Candida Yeast Infection in the penis, you will see bumps, redness and blisters at the tip of the penis. The blisters could be either red or white in color. In severe cases, you might even see scabs from bleeding.

What To Look For In Oral Yeast Infection Pictures
Oral candidiasis (or thrush) mostly affects the mouth area, but sometimes can go deeper into the throat.
A common symptom of thrush is the existence of white, creamy sores or lesions in your mouth - frequently found on your tongue or inner cheeks, however the bumps can also be found on you guys, tonsils, roof of your mouth or back of your throat. If you are looking at pictures of a yeast infection in the mouth, you will probably see a white, creamy "cottage cheese" film along with bumps and lesions on any of the areas mentioned in the mouth. You will also see red, peeling patches. In severe cases, the infection can spread to the esophagus - making it difficult to take a photograph.

A Yeast Infection Looks Like What?

Wondering what a yeast infection looks like? You'll find out exactly what a yeast infection looks like here, i.e. what the symptoms of a yeast infection are, and, how to cure your yeast infection using a totally natural treatment without any drugs.

First though, your yeast infection is caused by a fungus called Candida Yeast Infection.

The sorts of things that can cause this overgrow are things like; diabetes, use of 'recreational drugs', overuse of antibiotics, overuse of steroids (e.g. inhalers), lowered immune system, unhealthy diet, stress, contraception, wearing damp / sweaty undergarments and many more.

O.K. then, what does a yeast infection look like? Well it can look like many things, depending on where you have the yeast infection...

In the mouth you will notice a thick white coating on the tongue, white / yellow raised spots on the tongue & mucous membranes, difficulty swallowing, some throat pain and bad breath.

For the vagina, it's what the yeast infection 'feels like' rather than what it looks like. You have pain during intercourse, inability to have intercourse, inflammation / itching of vagina, vaginal odor, white vaginal discharge, pain when urinating, menstrual pain.

The penis will show pain during intercourse, inability to have intercourse / impotence, head of penis is inflamed & can itch like crazy, red spots / blisters on the head, unusual discharge, pain when urinating, dry / cracked skin.

There are other, quite surprising, signs of a yeast infection such as chronic rash, acne, irritability, mood swings, memory loss, depression, fatigue, aching or swelling joints, etc.

So, that's what a yeast infection looks like, what can you do about it?...

Your normal remedy is to use prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs. But many people are finding that there can be side-effects with these, and, that although the signs of yeast infection may go away, they regularly come back. It is thought that this is due to the fact that the Candida Yeast Infections is that they can destroy your sense of well-being and even relationships.

Because of this very many folks around the world (it's a huge problem worldwide, you're not alone) have found a fast, permanent cure using a 100% natural treatment regime, the details of which they found on the Internet. And because it's 100% natural there are no drugs, no bad side-effects and no recurring yeast infections. Further more, relief from their symptoms was being reported within 12 hours, a fantastic achievement.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in the Lungs - How it Can Bring Havoc to One's Health

The Candida Yeast Infection. These Candida Yeast Infections include vaginal yeast infection and oral yeast infection among others.

Candidiasis knows no age and occurs on people from different walks of life. This can be on women, men, and even infants. There are millions of people suffering from yeast infection that mainly affects their health particularly the lungs. The Candida Yeast Infection in the lungs and other health complications are brought by the build up of Candidiasis. This physical ailment often brings uneasiness and distress on the part of an infected person. This also causes severe pain that if not treated properly may lead to severe yeast infections.

Apart from lung infections, other health conditions like thyroid failure, bad breath, colds, insomnia, constipation and diarrhea, diabetes, fatigue, vaginal yeast infections, respiratory problems, colon cancer, heartburn and depression may occur.

These conditions are considered detrimental to one's health. This is also caused by the Candida Yeast Infection, there is also a greater tendency of the Candida to directly point towards the inside of your body. This occurrence will bring damage to your tissues that would result to major problems like chest pains, skin problems and a lot more.

If there is a yeast infection in the lungs which can cause havoc to the lungs, the Candida can also cause heart failure. This can take place when the heart is wrapped by Candida.

Therefore, if there's anyone in your household or even friends whom you suspect of suffering from the symptoms of Candida and of yeast infection in the lungs, immediate consultant of a physician is necessary. A yeast infected person can also seek help from support groups like family and friends. Remember that yeast infection in the lungs and other areas of the body is considered harmful to one's health and should be given high priority and direct attention.