When folks ask how you get rid of yeast infection naturally, there are usually three reasons; (1) drug-based remedies haven't worked for them, (2) they've suffered nasty side effects, or, (3) they don't like using drug-based treatments, period. So they pursue natural remedies for their yeast infection. But, trying to get rid of yeast infection naturally, isn't just about finding natural stuff that you either consume or apply to the infection. It's more complicated than that, as you'll discover here...
First up, what causes yeast infections?
Yeast infections are caused by a tiny, yeast-like fungus known as Candida Yeast Infection.
So what are these underlying conditions?
There are quite a few, but the most common are; a lowered immune system, diabetes, poor nutrition, antibiotics, steroids, pregnancy, oral contraception, drug use, some medical conditions, menstruation, douching, wearing wet or damp swimwear for long periods, etc. So although the Candida Yeast Infection, without the right conditions, it cannot multiply. This is important in figuring out how you get rid of yeast infection naturally.
Why are drug-based treatments ineffective for many sufferers?
The reason is that they are antifungal that are topically applied to the affected area usually. They target the yeast infection symptoms, not the root cause(s). And because they are drug-based, the Candida Yeast Infections. Also they can have some unwanted side effects for some people.
Okay then, how do you get rid of yeast infection naturally?
Natural remedies are increasingly being used by sufferers around the world. A lot of natural stuff has antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They can be consumed or applied. And when the correct ones are used they can be very effective.
Typical of these are; garlic, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, plain yogurt, buttermilk, curds, olive leaf / grapefruit seed extract, and herbs such as oregano and black walnut. These are just a few of the many in use right now.
Is this enough for you to get rid of yeast infection naturally, without drugs?
Not unless you take care of the root causes, as well as getting rid of the symptoms. Remember, there are things like diet and other issues that need to be addressed as well. But there are a few, good natural treatment programs out there, that take this total end-to-end approach, for you to get rid of yeast infection naturally.
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