Ooh, that burning feeling. Doesn't it drive you mad, not to mention put you off any thought of moving, let alone going out dancing or having any sort of horizontal relationship with anyone. Don't look now, but it looks like you may be having a visit from the candidiasis army.
Candidiasis is the name given to the infection caused by a group of fungi - incidentally the official name for them is Candida, but they are also known as thrush, jock-itch, diaper rash, tinea....the list goes on. Anywhere that is damp, dark and lacking in fresh air is a prime spot for these guys to gather and multiply.
Unfortunately for us, the vagina is one of the best sites for this and when we encourage the fungus to grow by wearing pants that don't breathe, using douche or not washing the area we can unleash a whole heap of hell down there.
Signs that your nether regions are under attack from these invaders are:
a deep seated itch a burning feeling when peeing or having intercourse, a discharge that resembles cottage cheese; there may be redness and inflammation of the entire area, In extreme cases there may even be small blisters.
Vaginal candidiasis is also extremely contagious, so in the unlikely event that you do feel like having sex before the infection has cleared completely please abstain. You will be exposing your partner to the fungus which will not only delay your return to an active sex life, but should they contract the disease you will be exposing yourself to a recurrent or even a potentially life - threatening secondary infection.
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