Saturday, May 12, 2012

Antibiotics and Yeast Infections

Antibiotics are one of the most frequent causes of yeast infections. The antibiotics, while designed to eradicate harmful bacteria from our bodies but frequently it eliminates the good bacteria as well as the offending bacteria. This causes an imbalance that results in a yeast infection. The good bacteria balance the growth of yeast in the body.

The balance of good yeast to bad yeast is destroyed with the use of antibiotics. Once yeast begins to multiply, it can easily get out of control causing a yeast infection.

Candida Yeast Infection. The ailment is known as candidiasis.

Too be sure, antibiotics aren't the only source of yeast infections. Diet, hormonal changes, menopause and pregnancy can lead to yeast imbalances and infections.

Yeast infections that are the result of antibiotics occurs because the antibiotics disturbs the yeast balances in the body. Consuming glucose or sugar are considered hormonal causes.. Women are particularly prone to this ailment because their natural vaginal secretions combined with menstrual blood are both rich in glucose. It's an open enticement to multiplying yeast. This ends up as vaginal candidiasis.

People with a lowered immune system are susceptible to yeast infections. People afflicted with diabetes or HIV are prime Candida Yeast Infections. In the case of diabetes, the blood sugar level feeds the body's yeast. If you have a damaged or compromised immune system and suspect you have a yeast infection, see a doctor.

Stress is also another factor that leads to yeast infections. By worrying excessively, you suppress your immune system. A weak immune system is like an open door, not only to yeast infections, but also other infections.

If you want to reduce the odds of contracting yeast infection, there are precautions that you can take. Baggy clothing is a good idea as is watching for changes in your skin, particularly dry or greasy spots. Reducing sugar in your diet will help starve the Candida Yeast Infections, the yogurt will work either orally or in the vaginal cavity via a tampon.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Natural Treatment For Yeast Infection - Fast, Safe & Effective to End Symptoms & Discomfort in Hours

Yeast infection is a very terrible and discomforting disease that affect more than 75% of all women. It also affect most adult males and even the baby toddlers. Some cases can become life threatening and so it is very important to seek immediate help. If you are looking for a treatment for yeast infection then it is best to know a little about the disease itself.

The infection is caused by a fungi known as Candida Yeast Infection is one of the worse manifestation of the illness. It is very painful for most women. Some of the symptoms include: vaginal odor, white vaginal discharge, painful urination, rashes, acne, painful sex and many many more. These symptoms can be very frustrating and many women try to treat them by themselves before seeking professional advice.

Now that there is some information about the disease, it can be much easier to find a treatment for yeast infection. One of the most recommended form of treatment is a natural remedy. A natural remedy will attack the infection from the source and get the candida albicans under control thus allowing you to have a healthy lifestyle.

There are many natural treatments that are very effective. Some can even give you full relief from symptoms within hours. The only problem you would have is finding one that will work for you since there are so many advertisements claiming that their remedy is the best.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Intestinal Yeast Infections Have Many Causes

Intestinal yeast infections are becoming a problem for more people now that they use too. This is because of more people now being prescribed antibiotics and other drugs that upset the body's natural bacterial and chemical balance. Once you've discovered the cause of your internal Candida Yeast Infection. And this is more common if the sufferer is eating a lot of sugar or a lot of foods that contain sugar. So if you have a sweet tooth you need to change your diet.

Sugar feeds yeast and fungus, and it is their favorite food. If you want to cure an intestinal yeast infection then the first thing you must do is give up eating sugar. If you don't then you'll be taking anti fungal drugs to alleviate your symptoms for a very long time. Most sufferers that don't eat a diet that helps to cure their infection will be on oral anti fungal drugs for months or even years.

Another common cause of internal yeast infections is the use of antibiotics. These anti bacterial drugs kill good bacteria, and your body needs these to keep the Candida Yeast Infection it has been kept under control by the good bacteria in your body.

If you're suffering from an internal fungal infection then you need to cleanse your body as soon as possible. The fungus will just keep on feeding until it perforates your intestines, and then toxins from the fungus will enter your bloodstream. You could even be suffering from some of the symptoms already that are caused by a leaky gut. Aching muscles and joints are common, and other symptoms that affect the brain are common as well. These are depression, mood swings and concentration problems.

To cure an intestinal yeast infection you must re-balance the bacteria in your body. At the moment you have too much Candida in your body, and the friendly bacteria can no longer keep it under control. Once the friendly bacteria gets high in numbers and the Candida gets low in numbers you'll soon be fully cured.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How to Cure a Yeast Infection at Home by Improving Vital Systems

After repeated Candida Yeast Infection permanently. The answer to this question will depend on how you decide to proceed with treatment. If you can decide on a home treatment then you may be able to try a few options at home and find a solution that will work.

To cure a yeast infection permanently at home you can start by improving the immune system of your body. You see this infection happens repeatedly because the protective mechanism in your body would have got depleted. And when this happens your body is not able to prevent a Candida Yeast Infection by restoring the ph balance in the vagina. When the ph balance is restored your vagina will have the correct amount of good bacteria to keep the yeast organism at bay.

For bringing back the vaginal floras externally take bath in a tub that has a cup of vinegar. You will find this treatment soothing. The vaginal inflammation will also get reduced. Do this treatment everyday and stay in the tub for 20 to 30 minutes.

All this treatment can be done by spending only a few dollars. There are many other ways to cure a yeast infection at home. Since the body characteristics of each person is different one solution will not work for everyone. So try a few options to discover the golden home treatment that solves your problem permanently.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How Do You Cure a Vaginal Yeast Infection? - 3 Great Options

If you have developed a Candida Yeast Infection? This uncomfortable condition is one that the majority of adult women will experience at some point during their lives. For most women it is both a nuisance and slightly embarrassing. Realising that it is quite common can often help to reduce these feelings of embarrassment. The most important thing is that you don't feel so uncomfortable that it prevents you from seeking medical treatment and taking steps to cure and prevent future infections.

In order to answer the question how do you cure a vaginal yeast infection, it helps to know that this is a fungal rather than a bacterial infection. Traditional antibiotics target bacteria, but with a Candida Yeast Infections and this type of infection generally develops due to some form of imbalance in the body.

There are three possible approaches to curing this infection, which are as follows:

Over the counter medications

Typically, an over the counter medication will be an anti-fungal medication or topical cream, lotion or ointment. If you approach your pharmacist and ask them how to cure a vaginal yeast infection, then they will generally advise you to use both a topical and an oral medication in combination with each other.

Natural treatments

How do you cure a vaginal yeast infection naturally? The best starting point when looking for a natural remedy is to remember that it is a fungal infection. Therefore, in order to cure the condition naturally, you need to seek out natural treatments that have anti-fungal properties. Tea tree oil is a good option as it is a natural anti-fungal which is a potential alternative or compliment to over the counter medications. Other possible natural options include Witches Hazel and Lemon Balm.

Holistic approach

You may also wonder what options you have to heal Candida Yeast Infections as they often occur as a direct result of imbalances. One of the most common causes of this type of infection is a reduction in the levels of good bacteria in the body after a course of antibiotics. A good holistic approach to restoring this balance is to take a probiotic which contains high levels of the good bacteria, then follow on with this by making yogurt a regular part of your diet. Yogurt also contains high levels of good bacteria. Additionally, a good holistic approach is to reduce the amount of yeast rich foods you consume, such as beer and bread.

So, hopefully you can now answer the question, how do you cure a vaginal yeast infection. Simply knowing the options now gives you more control over your health and enables you to make choices about what treatment is best for you.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Signs of a Yeast Infection

There are so many signs of a yeast infection but, before you consider them, you must first know exactly what a yeast infection is. It is caused by a fungus that is referred to as Candida Yeast Infections more than men and therefore you are likely to find more signs of a yeast infection in them. The infection in women is facilitated by various reasons which include hormonal imbalance. Several things cause this and they are menopause, birth control pills, menstrual periods and pregnancy. When the acidity of the vagina changes, the environment is made favorable for the yeast to thrive. If you use birth control pills, you might want to consider another method which is friendlier to your body. Signs of a yeast infection will resemble signs of another disease and when you suspect to have the infection, do not treat it without confirming that you have the condition. This will help you avoid treating symptoms of another disease.

Men will get yeast infections from their sexual partners and when this happens, it is advisable to have both of them treated to avoid other infections. Other causes of these infection are the use of douches for women, chronic diseases, poor immunity, poor dietary habits and many others. The yeast infection will affect many parts of the body including the mouth, skin folds, toes, gut and the list goes on. When the yeast infection affects the mouth, it is referred to as thrush. Thrush can affect everyone including children and a white patch is a sign of a yeast infection. These patches can be very painful and those who suffer from the infection are advised not to touch the patches.

When the yeast infection occurs on the skin, you will get to experience redness and itchy episodes that never seem to go away. The skin can also become very scaly and dry. This is usually very evident in babies where their bottom develops rashes. When the infection occurs in the male organ, they will experience itching on the male organ, soreness, pain while urinating and sexual dysfunction. In women there will be a whitish discharge which can be compared to cottage cheese in color, they will experience soreness and pain during sexual intercourse. There are many more signs of a yeast infection and the internet is filled with resources which you can study and gain so much.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Prevention and Natural Treatment For the Growth of Oral Yeast Infection

Dozens of oral yeast infection cures are easily available in pharmacies and drugstores all over the world, many of which are very effective solutions to yeast infection. However, most health experts would agree that natural treatments and prevention is still the best cure of all. Fortunately, there are many different steps a person can take to avoid getting oral thrush in the first place.

How Does An Oral Infection Develop?

Before you embark on the search for an effective oral yeast infection cure, it would be good to understand a few things about the condition first. Oral thrush comes from a fungus called Candida Yeast Infection cure as soon as possible is very important not only to eliminate the uncomfortable and painful symptoms of the condition, but also to prevent further growth of the fungus in other parts of the body.

There are many options available today when it comes to curing oral yeast infection, the most popular of which is the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications. While there are certainly a few types of medications out there that work quite nicely, there are also those that come with a number of very unpleasant side effects, so that should also be something to take into consideration.

Natural Remedies

With over-the-counter treatments, many have negative side effects, many people who are looking for an oral yeast infection cure will more readily turn to natural remedies as a solution. These natural remedies are often just as effective as conventional medication, but without the side effects. Some good examples are improving your diet, getting adequate rest, and taking natural supplements to boost your immune system.

In addition to these general good health practices, another popular and highly effective natural oral yeast infection cure is to eat a cup of plain, unsweetened yogurt once or twice a day. Yogurt contains plenty of the good bacteria that the body can use to help combat the overgrowth of the Candida albicans fungus. Drinking lots of water can also help, as well as rinsing your mouth with a good mouthwash after brushing. You can treat your oral infections, by combating the Candida overgrowth. By keeping it in check you won't have the plaguing symptoms anymore.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What Kinds of Fruits Can You Not Eat If You Have Candida?

Looking for information about what kinds of fruits can you not eat if you have Candida Yeast Infections. We all have yeast inside of our bodies, but sometimes an imbalance can cause a yeast infection. If the yeast multiplies too much, it will cause an overproduction of yeast.

This is known as a yeast infection. Yeast infections can be in many places on the body such as the mouth, skin, and genitalia. When someone has a Candida infection many doctors say that it is best not to eat fruit when trying to get rid of the infection.

When looking for information about what kinds of fruits can you not eat if you have Candida then you should know that the Candida virus multiplies, it is usually because the environment is acidic, which means the pH balance in that person's body is not where it should be. This type of environment is perfect for Candida to thrive because the acid is able to inhibit the body and its ability to take in vitamins and minerals.

This slows down enzyme production. When the body has a hard time to digest food, it is best to just stop eating them.

Sugar and Candida go hand in hand. Sugar feeds Candida and allows it to continue to grow and multiply. These sugars include fructose, which is sugar from fruit, and alcohol. Anyone who is trying to slow down the spread of Candida should altogether avoid certain types of sugar. Some types of water have chemicals that are added that also aggravate the spread of Candida, so distilled water should be consumed.

When looking for information about what kinds of fruits can you not eat if you have Candida then you should know that trying to get rid of the infection, people should most definitely slow down their consumption of fruit. Though fruit is a necessary item for a healthy diet, people who want to get rid of the Candida infection have to limit how much fruit is taken in each day. When starting the Candida cleansing diet, people should avoid all fruit because fructose aids the growth of Candida.

During this time, no fruit should be eaten, and if it is it should be eaten in small portions. Not even dried fruit should be eaten. Once the Candida infection has gone away, people can eat fruit with low amounts of sugar such as melons, grapefruit, apples, and strawberries.

Also when trying to get rid of the Candida infection, it is important to stay away from fruit juices and anything that deals with fruit or has high levels of fructose. If someone continues to take in fructose, the Candida infection will not go away.

If you begin to crave sugar or a sweet item, try using Stevia, which is a sugar substitute that is purely natural. After the Candida infection is gone, it is critical that the person does not relapse and begins eating a lot fruits and drinking alcohol. If this happens, the Candida infection will become more frequent.

With a Candida infection, it is important to not eat any type of fruit, mainly because the fructose will just aid the infection. After the infection has cleared up, people can eat fruit but they have to eat it in moderation. When looking for information about what kinds of fruits can you not eat if you have Candida then you should know that it is also important to eat fruit that is not full of natural sugar.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Candida Symptoms In Women

When an infection is present there are a number of things that could have caused it. When it comes to Candida Yeast Infection is caused by Candida Yeast Infection so we have to make sure we keep our bodies clean and dry. The fungus is attracted to moisture and heat so if you keep every part of your body dry and clean then you should have no problem keep the infection off. However, there are some medications and illnesses that can cause Candida infections without us being able to stop it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Natural Yeast Infection Treatments - The Real Solution to End Yeast Infection Symptoms Fast

There are many women who battle with yeast infection throughout their lives. It is a very discomforting infection and finding the right treatment can be a very difficult task. Some of the symptoms associated with a yeast infection are: vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, painful urination, painful sex, rashes and several others. These symptoms occur when there is an overgrowth of the bacteria Candida Yeast Infection is a natural remedy. This is because using drugs and prescription medications have a high risk of side effects and most of them only mask the symptoms while the root cause is not treated.

Below you will find some of the best natural yeast infection treatments that have been reported to give great resulted. They are listed in no particular order and you can use one which suites you.

Treatment #1- One of the most widely used natural yeast infection treatment is Tea Tree oil. This is a substance that contains several antibacterial properties that will inhibit the growth of the Candida Yeast Infection is the use of garlic. Garlic also has antibacterial and antiviral properties which also inhibits the growth of the Candida Yeast Infection vanishes away.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rectal Yeast Infection - How to Get Rid of Anal Yeast Infection!

Rectal yeast infection is caused by the same fungi infection that causes vaginal candidiasis. It is more difficult to diagnose yourself than vaginal infection. Only a doctor can tell you for sure if you suffer from Candida Yeast Infection and oral thrush. How our digestive organ starts from the mouth and ends with the rectum this is quite normal to be close related each other.

Rectal yeast infection is caused when the normal yeast bacteria transform itself due to favorable conditions to a fungus condition. The result is a systemic yeast and one of the effect could be anal Candida Yeast Infection you need to kill the yeast fungus. This can be done by a total holistic approach and alternative remedies for candida work very well to help you get better. I do not imply that the orthodox anti-fungal creams do not work, it is just that you have to do a bigger effort in achieving your goal. Also following an anti-candida diet will get you yeast free and a better skin and hair and slimmer figure.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Can Beer Make a Yeast Infection Worse

Vaginal yeast infection is a common fungal infection caused by fungi of the Candida Yeast Infection worse because yeast is used in brewing. Although it does not constitute yeast of the Candida Yeast Infection causing fungi, to grow. Since the yeast infection causing fungi is already present in our body in small quantities, favorable conditions are likely to cause an overgrowth that leads to infection.

Therefore, holistic healers advice against the intake of beer along with other food such as sodas, sugars, vinegar and cheese which are likely to worsen a yeast infection. Moreover, beer is an alcoholic drink and like any other hard drink, it affects the intestinal lining. The permeability of the intestinal lining increases. This allows Candida Yeast Infections. Therefore, beer can make a vaginal yeast infection worse.

There are a number of food items that stimulate the growth of yeast infection causing fungi. Refined sugar, bread, white flour products, soft drinks and lots of other things contribute towards the overgrowth of yeast. Alcohol is also a major culprit in stimulating yeast growth. So, beer can worsen a vaginal yeast infection. Beer is often consumed by a lot of women and if they are not aware of the manifestations that consumption can have on their infection, their condition deteriorates.

While dietary modifications are required for treating the yeast infection, medicines and home remedies must also be used at the same time. The diet must contain things like yogurt which naturally creates acidophilus which is useful in combating the yeast. Similarly natural antifungal and antibacterial substances like garlic can be implemented into the diet. And since beer and other alcoholic drinks are likely to worsen a vaginal yeast infection, it is necessary to completely stop drinking till the time the infection is cured. Beer, is commonly consumed by people and sometimes they are themselves unaware of the complications associated with it. Therefore, it is necessary to limit consumption of alcoholic drinks, including beer during a vaginal yeast infection.