Monday, April 9, 2012

Get Rid of Yeast Infections - 4 Easy Tips!

Most women try to get rid of yeast infection by making a trip to the nearest drugstore and purchasing some over advertised OTC medicine.  They dutifully go home, apply the cream, or insert the suppository and wait the prescribed amount of time for the burning and itching to go away!  3 weeks later, they do it all over again! 

Someone smarter than me said that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.  The modern way we go about getting rid of yeast infection seems like the epitome of insanity.  What women need is an all natural way that works once and for all.  We need a way to treat the symptoms which are sometimes bad enough to drive us mad.  Who can stand the burning and itching, the painful urination, the ugly discharge and the painful intercourse?  It is normal that we focus on these because they are the "face" of the Candida Yeast Infection then you can start with the following advice.  These bits of advice are by no means a complete approach to fighting yeast infections but they are a start:

Watch what you wear:  Wear breathable clothing that will allow your vaginal area to breathe and stay dry.  Cotton undergarments are best since they are perfect at whisking away moisture and allowing air circulation.  The last thing you need is some synthetic garbage that will keep your private area hot and damp (the best environment for yeast growth) Refrain from having sex until you are over the infection:  The best way to prolong a Candida Yeast Infection, you must go further. Treat the underlying cause of your yeast infection.  Why is it happening?  What triggers it? There is a reason why yeast is taking over and you must address that reason. This is understandable the most difficult part of treating the condition.

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